Monday, November 10, 2008

Farewell To Willow A Faithful Friend


Our wonderful pal and buddy Willow went to the Bridge today at 9:30 a.m. and is now playing at the Bridge with her friend Melody . Melody was our cat of 16 years, she has been gone a year now and still greatly missed. In their younger years the two did have their fun playing and chasing each other. Willow would of been 11 years old this coming February 28th., 2009.

We don't know who her owners were because we got her at the shelter when she was three months old. They did not have a clue because they rescued her from the side of the road. I can remember when we first saw her at the shelter, she was peeking over a pen they had made for small puppies in the middle of the room. She had incredible brown eyes that could look at you and get what she wanted.

We were not looking for a dog at this time, I am more of a cat person, but I grew attached to Willow over the years, she was a wonderful dog, half beagle and some kind of terrier. When we had her groomed she looked like the beagle, she never did like to go to the groomers and would spend most of the time barking. My granddaughter was the reason we got Willow, it was after a trip to the shelter with her class and the begging started , her teacher would constantly tell us we needed a dog. So guess what happened, Willow.

When we first got Willow she was sick and we had to take her to the vet, she had some kind of virus, it did not last long. When she would play with you she bit too hard and when corrected she would back off and bark and run at us. Over the years her favorite toy was her stuffed bear, the one she ended up with was the only bear she never tried to chew the stuffing out of. These are the things she like, pig ears from Meijers, bird seed in the yard, cheese, actually any human treat she could beg from us, she was never fond of her dog food, best of all she liked to be scratched.

Tummy rub!

Willow was a people dog, that is she prided herself on being our official greeter at the door, wagging and barking greetings. When we would take her for a walk she would stop in the drive way of every neighbor that came out and petted and spoke to her, if they did not come out that time she would go her merry way. It was sad to see her slowing down and when diagnosed with congestive heart failure the vet said no more walks, just roaming the yard, she did like that also.

I have to mention that in 1998 Willow saved the family from a house fire. When we first got her we put her in my granddaughters room in a cage until she could get use to running the house and she was not house broken yet. I heard her barking very early in the morning, which was unusual because she did not get us up until around six am. I went upstairs and opened Sarah's door and the room was filled with smoke, I immediately woke everyone and got them up and we all went outside with all the animals, I had already called the fire department. What had caused the fire was a faulty wire in the wall socket, it caught on fire just as the fire department came, not much damage was done to the wall. We called WMUS news and they came and took the story and videoed it and it appeared on the news, we were so proud of her. I feel bad that we did not contact the city and have her receive an accommodation for bravery award. I forgot to mention she loved hot dogs.

Goodbye old friend we will greatly miss you, see you at Rainbow Bridge, we love you.


Rambling Woods said...

Oh..I am so sorry to hear about Willow. It is so difficult to say good-by to a loyal friend. This is a wonderful tribute to Willow and I enjoyed learning about this very special canine friend.. Michelle

Margaret Cloud said...

Farewell old faithful and true friend, you saved me from the fire but alas I could not save you at the end, I will always remember you and love you, bye until we meet at the Bridge.

Everycat said...

We are all so sorry to read that dear Willow has gone to the Bridge. What a lovely dog she was, and an heroic one too, saving you all. That's a very touching tribute to a much loved friend.

We send you rumbly comforting purrs, hugs and love

Whicky Wuudler, Angel, Oliver, Gerry & Jane

bobbie said...

I'm sorry to hear that Willow is gone from your life. It is so hard to say good-bye. I still miss our Charlie, and it's been several years now. She does look like a lovely dog.

Thank you for stopping at my blog today. It's nice to hear from someone close to my age. I have many blogging friends, but few close to 76. Isn't blogging wonderful? Almost all of the friends my age are gone, as are all my family (of my generation or older). But now I have a whole blogging community.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are wsending you soft purrrss and headbutts. we are so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute to Willow - we very much liked learning about her.

Sammy and Miles Meeer and Billy SweetFeets

Jans Funny Farm said...

A beautiful tribute to Willow. We're glad you had happy years and good memories to help you through her loss. Sending purrs and tail wags.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We send you purrs and soft headbumpies...we enjoyed hearing about what a wonderful doggie Willow was. We're sorry for your loss and that we didn't get to "meet" her before she went to the Bridge.

Anonymous said...

We is sorry dat Willow woofie had to go. She will be greeted warmly by all the others that came before. headbutts and purrs ...

Mr. Hendrix said...

I am very sorry to hear about Willow. Whicky told us of your loss. What a heroic dog. Her bravery was admirable and wonderful. We will keep you all in our purrs and prayers.

I'm sure mommy's 4 sweet woofies will be waiting at the Bridge to play with her too. purrrrrrrrrrs

My Littel Island said...

WE ar so sorry to hear abou your beautiful baby your blog is beautiful and i love your storrys

Margaret Cloud said...

I really appreciate all your comments about Willow, I have enjoyed coming by your posts and I will be by many times more, so thanks again blogger friends.

Southbaygirl said...

I am so very sorry to hear about Willow!! I lost my cat Winton on monday as well-maybe they are playing together at the Bridge! My thoughts and prayers are with you right now! May she rest in peace.

Penny, Velcro, Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom and my Orange Angel Winton

Kathleen said...

I am so sad and sorry to hear about Willow. She was beautiful and I know she was a true friend who loved you very much. Your tribute to her is very special. You and your family have my deepest sympathy. Godspeed, Willow.

Kathleen and Bliss

Louis la Vache said...

This post reminded "Louis" of having to put his pet dachshund 'Oscar' down when Oscar's back got so bad he had to drag himself to the water and food bowls. Dogs can be so loyal....

Anonymous said...

Hello Margaret, I'm dropping by to give you warm hugs and kisses...

Thank you for the wonderful comments that you left in my blog, I really appreciate it. I'd be reading your posts too :)My best regards to you and your hub. Tc always :)

Anonymous said...

I'm Sorry to hear of your loss... You wrote a nice tribute to her. She seems as though she was a sweet dog. Many blessings.

A Colorful World said...

What a wonderful and very brave dog Willow was! I know you will miss her. Faithful companions like that are so precious...they are God's special gifts in our lives. She was very fortunate to have been adopted by you as a sounds like her life was good and full.

Dog_geek said...

Margaret, I'm so sorry to read about the loss of Willow. She was a beautiful little girl, not to mention a hero, and you wrote a lovely tribute to her - I feel as though I knew her, too. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, I came over from Dog-Geeks place and just wanted to say how sorry I was for your loss. We're are nursing our little hamster, Bruce (named after Mr Springsteen)at the moment, he's not far from three years of age and is a spirited little fellow but we now his days are numbered. He's very old in hamster terms. As he gets older he likes to roll up in your hand or on your jumper and doze off. :o) These little friends get right into your hearts don't they. I love the photograph of Willow at the top of your post. He looks as though he is listeneing to every word someone is saying to him. My daughter and I were talking about where all of our pets go when they leave this world and we talked about rainbow bridge. We had to giggle as we thought about the day we see them all, there is going to be an almighty scuffle as all of our past pets rush forward to say hello again. Perhaps that thought might give you a smile. :o) x

Kathleen said...

Margaret, I'm so sorry to read of Willow's passing. But I am sure that Willow moved on so you could help another little soul who needs you.

ratmammy said...

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of this wonderful dog. What a good friend she was indeed!!

AppleDebbie said...

This post is a wonderful tribute to Willow. I lost my beloved 15 year old dog Tazzy earlier this year and it's still painful to look at his photos. It makes me smile to think that perhaps Willow and Tazzy are playing together at the Rainbow Bridge now. May God bless you and your family at this difficult time.

Margaret Cloud said...

Hi blogger friends, I either emailed you or posted a thanks for all your kind words, it means a lot to me to have such nice friends. I do enjoy coming by your posts, they are all so interesting, thanks again.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a week you have. So sorry to hear about sweet Willow, what a beautiful little doggie. I lost my Bear, a tiny poodle, after 17 years with her. I still miss her a year later. They are family.
Again, I will make a post for Willow and Storm on our Purrs and Purrayers bloggie ( All the cats (and other critters) will send you healing purrs.
Love & Purrs,

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Pets leave such a huge whole in your heart when they leave for the rainbow bridge.

Purrs & Prayers,
Alasandra, Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Hi, We came over from The Cat Blogosphere's Purrs and Purrayers blog.
What a beautiful girl Willow was. I know how you miss her. Dogs are such wonderful friends. I do believe she and my dog, Holly Belle are waiting for us at The Bridge.

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