Our wedding reception (July 30, 1959).
Our wedding reception (July 30, 1959).
Expecting our first baby, 1959, this is Charles Wayne, I did not mean to confuse my friends.
Our son Douglas Wayne Cloud, born September 24th., 1960.
Second son Ronald Thomas Cloud, born June 10th., 1963.
My mom and dad, 1942, taken summer before dad was killed in October, 1942.
Our dog Spotty and Grandpa William Applegate 1944, he passed away the next year 1945.
My Grandma Mary Elizabeth Crawford, and boyfriend, this is before she met Grandpa.
My 1953 Pontiac and me, also at work, check out the old typewriter.
Scottie and me, we were in a Minstrel Show 1956, it was a lot of fun, I am the tall one.
Our bowling team, 1957 Christmas party, Ruth is the highest one in the back.
1939 family photo, my mom had to hold on to me, I did not want my picture taken.
1940 picture taken with Uncle Floyd, I am on his right.
This is Beauty, I took her from a house by school, when she was 6 weeks old.
Me with Doug. & Ron, 1970, Ron was just in a parade with his Boy Scout troupe.
This is Melody in 1998, she had put on a few pounds, she went to the Bridge at age 16 years old.
Jake, my best friend, 1982, when we moved to town he was hit by car, he was 11 years old.
2007, Willow, my best friend, went to the bridge in 2007, age ii years.
1940, Margaret (on left) and my sister June, at Thompson Park
1974, Doug (on left) 16 yrs. and 1979, Ron and he is 16years, my clowms.
1957, my friend Ruth, Stan and Bruce, her family.
1952, Marge Nedeau and children, I babysit for her.
1940, Margaret (on left) age 7 years, 1918, my mom, we are same age.
My mom and two cousins, my Grandma Applegates brother & sisters.
My Aunt Anna & friend, and Aunt Lotties girl Louise.
Waynes dad Clifford and friend, and his mother LaVerna.
On Berg Road--Jim Ryan, my sisters Stella and June, having fun.
On Berg Road again, top, Jim & Margaret, bottom Billy & Stella.
Top left, my mom and a friend, Aunt Anna & Louise, bottom from the left Aunt Anna, Aunt Lotties children, in front Russellittle Marie, back is Louise holding Kate, these are cousins.
1940, big guy is cousin Hunter, starting left, Margaret, Stella, June and cousin Joyce.
1938, cousins Kate & Florence Ann and their mom & dad, Aunt Lottie & Uncle Harold, my aunt had ten children, and they are in the pictures above, she had two children that died of diptheria.
Margaret trying to look good.
Wayne, loves to practice, looking good.
Ron, could make a good golfer someday.
Doug, always has good form, he hit the ball farther then anyone that day.